Now "SC thresh", "SC SSIM thresh" and "SC min freq" are always disabled.
Those are enabled when refMerge is used.
bool useExModel = model->boolValue("vsHAVCUseExModel");
int methodIndex = model->currentIndex("vsHAVCExModelMethod");
bool allowRefMerge = useExModel && (methodIndex == 0 || methodIndex == 1 || methodIndex == 5);
bool usingRefMerge = allowRefMerge && model->currentIndex("vsHAVCExModelRefMerge") != 0;
this->doSetEnabled(model, "vsHAVCExModelSCThreshold", usingRefMerge);
this->doSetEnabled(model, "vsHAVCExModelScThtSSIM", usingRefMerge);
this->doSetEnabled(model, "vsHAVCExModelSCMinFreq", usingRefMerge);
Are those now independent of refMerge?
Cu Selur
They are always used, because are the minimum fields necessary to extract the reference frames from a Video Clip.
With Ref merge there are 2 steps of scene detection, one performed with ScMinFreq=1 (automatically set by HAVC_main) and the second that is using "SC thresh" and "SC min freq" to extract the reference frame to be used for the temporal stabilization.
Okay, updated Hybrid_deoldify to always enable and add (when they are not at the default value) them when exModel is used.
Cu Selur
When is selected DeepRemaster the "Frames" are not reported in the script
Quote:Every time the Exemplar Models are enabled and for the models: 0, 1, 2, 5, 6.
You meant 'methods' (0,1,2,5,6) and then I mixed then method and model too
Updated Hybrid_deoldify
Cu Selur
This is a special case when the directory can be select (for output)
Updated Hybrid_deoldify.
Are there also restriction on when "Reference frames only" should be available?
Cu Selur
(09.02.2025, 18:17)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Updated Hybrid_deoldify.
Are there also restriction on when "Reference frames only" should be available?
Cu Selur
In my code there is already this check implemented
if not (ScFrameDir is None) and DeepExMethod != 0 and DeepExOnlyRefFrames:
"HAVC_main: DeepExOnlyRefFrames is enabled but method not = 0 (HAVC)")
Adjusted Hybrid_deoldify to only enable "Reference frames only" when Method is 0 and ScFrameDir isn't empty.
Cu Selur