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Okay, from the looks of it there are tons of folks stumbling over the dependency which is needed by the latest torch.
(I gets installed by Visual Studio and Visual Studio Community)
From the looks of it, libomp140.x86_64.dll does not seem to have additional dependencies and does not seem to be intended for distribution atm. Angel
=> Please try, whether it works if you put content of the attached package into your 'Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib'-folder.
If it helps, I'll adjust the torch-addon for the next release accordingly.

Cu Selur
(13.06.2024, 14:59)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, from the looks of it there are tons of folks stumbling over the dependency which is needed by the latest torch.
(I gets installed by Visual Studio and Visual Studio Community)
From the looks of it, libomp140.x86_64.dll does not seem to have additional dependencies and does not seem to be intended for distribution atm.  Angel
=> Please try, whether it works if you put content of the attached package into your 'Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\Lib\site-packages\torch\lib'-folder.
If it helps, I'll adjust the torch-addon for the next release accordingly.

Cu Selur

Thanks selur. Now it works without error. Able to preview but when I export , it shows, "Crashed with exit status"

[Image: Crash.jpg]
Read the sticky, provide proper details of what you are doing and a debug output, otherwise I have no clue what you are doing.
hi your google drive not working
a. Since there is no specific download for deoldify, this is not the right place for this.
b. No real clue about the limit. Couldn't find anything about a download limit over at

Cu Selur
(12.06.2024, 18:19)Dan64 Wrote: [ -> ]Not clear what kind of settings you are using.

The butterfly demo used only DeepEx and in this case was necessary to provide only 1 ref. frame.

Could you provide a piece of code showing what kind of HAVC functions you are using ?


Let me try asking this in a different way.  With DeepEx enabled.  DDcolor only.  SC thresh set at 0.10, SC min freq at 0 (disabled). Method HAVC (not using reference frames) Lets say Scene Change is detected at Frame 100 and the next Scene Change detected at frame 200.  Will the coloring of frame 100 thru 199 be based on Frame 100?  
Lets say SC min freq is set to 50.  Will the coloring of Frame 100 to 149 be based on Frame 100 and 150-199 be based on frame 150?
I have a black & white test video that was colorized with ddcolor, DeepEx HAVC only with one setting and DeepEx HAVC only with a different settings.
I have attached the settings pics and the videos.  Unfortunately, I've reached the 20MB limit to upload here.  Selur, hopefully that is okay, I'm posting an external download link for them.
The DeepEx doesn't start the colorization for a few seconds after the video begins and afterwards the lady's skin looks a zombie like in some parts.  
DDcolor in this example does a nicer job in comparison.  

I suspect that the the scene threshold starts very late, so the beginning frames don't get colorized. 

Dan64, what do you think I'm doing wrong, what settings would you have used for this?  I figure best way to learn is thru example.
Is this a case where reference frames are needed to be created?

when would it be available to the general public?
(16.06.2024, 16:13)zspeciman Wrote: [ -> ]Let me try asking this in a different way.  With DeepEx enabled.  DDcolor only.  SC thresh set at 0.10, SC min freq at 0 (disabled). Method HAVC (not using reference frames).
1. Lets say Scene Change is detected at Frame 100 and the next Scene Change detected at frame 200. Will the coloring of frame 100 thru 199 be based on Frame 100?  
2. Lets say SC min freq is set to 50.  Will the coloring of Frame 100 to 149 be based on Frame 100 and 150-199 be based on frame 150?


1) Yes
2) It will be generated the following additional reference frames: 50, 150


(17.06.2024, 06:06)zspeciman Wrote: [ -> ]I suspect that the the scene threshold starts very late, so the beginning frames don't get colorized. 

Dan64, what do you think I'm doing wrong, what settings would you have used for this?  I figure best way to learn is thru example.
Is this a case where reference frames are needed to be created?


Your example is very difficult to colorize, your guess that the reference frames are generated too late is correct.

If you need to verify the generated reference frames you can used the following settings (threshold lowered to 0.02):

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2573]

there "ref_out" is the directory that will be used to export the reference frames. The generated video is not usable, this settings is useful only to extract the reference frames. Feel free to stop the encoding when will be generated enough reference frames.

With these settings you should find the frame: ref_000065.png

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2574]

Copy this frame in another directory, for example "ref_int" and rename the file in: ref_000001.png

Now you can encode the movie using the following settings (threshold increased to 0.03):

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2575]

In this way the file ref_000001.png will be added as reference frame n.1 and DeepEx will be able to start to colorize the next frames.

in that case, wouldn't it make more sense to set the reference frames as in between the scene change threshold?  Like Frame 125 for the 100 to 149 and 175 for the 150 to 199 range?
Many times the scene change frame doesn't represent the best frame of the scene.  Or is that approach difficult to execute programming wise?
Would that approach have solved the black & white beginning of the video samples I've uploaded earlier?