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Full Version: Deoldify Vapoursynth filter
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Hello Selur,

Leveraging on the experience in developing vs-deoldify I'm planning to develop a new filter: HybridAVC = Hybrid Automatic Video Colorizer

Where I will integrate: DeOldify, DDColor and Deep-Exemplar based Video Colorization

Deep-Exemplar is able to provide a temporal video stabilization and need to be rewrote in some part to get something useful, is similar to Bistnet, but is simpler and faster.

When I will have something working I will post the new filter, be patient...

(14.05.2024, 09:29)Dan64 Wrote: [ -> ]When I will have something working I will post the new filter, be patient...


very very thank you for your work!
the initial post is really not clear on how to install/use in Hybrid, and I ended up doing lots of google to try figure out things and I did not manage to make it work.

for example: I wasn't even able to Install fastai...
C:\Program Files\Python312>python -m pip fastai=1.0.60
ERROR: unknown command "fastai=1.0.60"

Is there a Step by Step tutorial on how to install and use it in Hybrid?
The simplest way is to install Hybrid:

Since to get Hybrid working is necessary to install a lot of packages. It is available an archive with all the necessary packages:  GoogleDrive

Here the instructions provided by Selur

Quote:These addons are Windows only!

File: VapoursynthRXX_torch_XXXX.7z <- the 'torch'-addon, this requires an NVIDIA card

Installation of 'torch'-addon
* Extract the torch-addon into your Hybrid/64bit/Vapoursynth-folder.
I am not talking about Hybrid (I have been using Hybrid for 2 years now), I am talking about your plugin...
Quote:Where I will integrate: DeOldify, DDColor and Deep-Exemplar based Video Colorization
Problem is usually having references, but looking forward to it, to play with it. Smile
(Or do you want to generate these?)

Cu Selur
Quote:I am not talking about Hybrid (I have been using Hybrid for 2 years now), I am talking about your plugin...
He, is too.
His plugin is available in Hybrid under 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Coloring->DeOldify' assuming you have a newer NVIDIA card and the torch-addon of Hybrid installed.

Cu Selur
I need to change DeOldify and DDColor to work with VideoFrame instead of VideoNode.
To do that I need to create a custom version of DDColor since I cannot change the DDColor repository
I'm the owner of DeOldify filter so I could change vs-deoldify.
But I prefer to don't touch vs-deoldify because now is stable.

So I will build a new filter where I will introduce some new feature respect to vs-deoldify: scene detection, reference frame generation, temporal frame stabilization, and probably I will reuse some of the pre/post filters already developed for vs-deoldify. 

This new filter will be slower than vs-deoldify, and probably will be only a little more stable but with more vivid colors, so vs-deoldify will be still a viable alternative for users not having powerful GPUs.

(14.05.2024, 17:49)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:I am not talking about Hybrid (I have been using Hybrid for 2 years now), I am talking about your plugin...
He, is too.
His plugin is available in Hybrid under 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Coloring->DeOldify' assuming you have a newer NVIDIA card and the torch-addon of Hybrid installed.

Cu Selur

I Installed the Modules but when I try to process the job, i get a crash...
If I disable the Coloring Filter (DeOldify), it process the video fine without a problem.

[Image: 4d48mmL.png]
Quote:If I disable the Coloring Filter (DeOldify), it process the video fine without a problem.
(I assume you deinstalled any modified Hybrid before adding the torch-addon.)
First thing I would recommend checking is whether the Vapoursynth Preview works.
It usually shows error messages that might help to figure out where the problem is.

Cu Selur