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Hello Selur,

   I attached the wheel of the version 3.0 that I will release this weekend.
   Respect to the RC versions, I improved the descriptions of models and parameters (so please update the GUI).
   I also extended the list "ddtweak_p" with 2 additional parameters: gamma_alpha, gamma_min

   I discovered that a gamma value > 1.5 improves the ddcolor stability on bright scenes, while a gamma < 1 improves the ddcolor stability on dark scenes. 
   The decrease of the gamma with luma is activated using the new parameter gamma_alpha (if != 0).

    Here a comparison:

Nice find!
Will adjust the dev version tomorrow after work.

Cu Selur
idea: Instead of adjustingthe gamma, also try Retinex. (Retinex requires an of all black bars cropped source and can enhance artifacts, so probably only interessting on already high quality sources)
[Image: grafik.png]
[Image: grafik.png]
(I used just ddcolor)
# Color Adjustment
clip = adjust.Tweak(clip=clip, hue=0.00, sat=0.00, cont=1.00, coring=True)
# adjusting color space from YUV420P10 to RGB30 for vsRetinex
clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip=clip, format=vs.RGB30, matrix_in_s="709", range_s="limited")
# color adjustment using Retinex
clip = core.retinex.MSRCR(input=clip, sigma=[25,80,250], fulls=False, fulld=False)
# adjusting color space from RGB30 to RGBH for vsDDColor
clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip=clip, format=vs.RGBH, range_s="limited")
# adding colors using DDColor
from vsddcolor import ddcolor
clip = ddcolor(clip=clip, model=1)
The first sample is worse than the original, while the second is better.

I had the same problem adjusting gamma, on bright images a gamma above > 2 improves the quality but on dark scenes like your first sample the quality is worse.
That's the reason why I introduced the possibility to lower the value of gamma with the luma.
In this way I can have a gamma above 2 on bright images and a gamma below 1 on dark images.

Also the contrast can impact the ddcolor output. A contrast < 1 ddcolor images are less saturated, while a contrast > 1 the images are more saturated.

I applied a small update on the filter. I will provide a new wheel later.

Okay, I'll adjust the dev then and upload a new version.
Here the updated wheel.


The true ddcolor "stabilizer" is "deoldify" which has a network trained to work decently with movies. 
DDColor is good for images but using it alone for coloring movies is too unstable.
This is the main reason why I embarked on the development of a Vapoursynth filter for deoldify.
Updated the download.

Cu Selur
Released the version 3.0.0:

Thanks again for your support,
No problem, will release a new Hybrid version tomorrow.

Cu Selur
Hello Selur,

  sorry for this last minute change. But I decided to move the post-process "dark" filter in ddeoldify_stabilizer().
  I'm planning to rework this filter, so it is better represent the parameters of this filter like a list, so that I can eventually extend this list in a near future.


Attached the updated wheel