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I found the following issues:

The Color map must be adjusted

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2894]

in the new version, the "red->brown" and "red>-blue" were renamed in: "redrose->brown" and "redrose->blue". Moreover was added a new preset "red->brown" with value "320:360,0.15|+50,0.8". Moreover all the Color-map values are using the same weight 0.8 and not 0.6 as currently implemented in Hybrid.

The preset Ref merge is incomplete 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2895]

is missing verylow with value 0.30 and the value of veryhigh is wrong must be 0.70 and not 1.0.


The sc_debug (to be used only for debugging) has been written so that can, successively be imported in Excel for the analysis of scene detection algorithm.
Uploaded an updated Hybrid_deoldify version for testing.

Quote:The sc_debug (to be used only for debugging) has been written so that can, successively be imported in Excel for the analysis of scene detection algorithm.
Okay, wouldn't it be more useful when visible on the frame? (will disable option in Hybrid)

Cu Selur
The last dev version is working as expected. Smile


When I need to debug the Scene Change detection algorithm, I use: VapourSynth-Editor  so for me disabling the log window in Hybrid is not an issue.
Released on GitHub the new version v4.6.7

Can be installed with the command

.\python -m pip install

I updated the HAVC User Guide with the chapter 4.0.2, that describes the best settings to remove colors shifting towards red.

Will update dev and torch download tomorrow. Smile

Cu Selur
I just updated the build 4.6.7:
I had to fix a small bug on ref_merge checking.

Updated dev and torch add-on.

Cu Selur
Sorry, but I released a mall maintenance build: v4.6.8

main changes:
  • The scene change detection algorithm has been improved to properly handle low thresholds levels.
  • The chapter 4.0.2 of HAVC user guide has been update to provide examples using low thresholds levels


Example of movie using the settings described in chapter 4.0.2: The maltese falcon (colorized, 1941)
You might also want to check the documentation regarding defaults for inconsitencies
:param ScThreshold:         Scene change threshold used to generate the reference frames to be used by
                                "Exemplar-based" Video Colorization. It is a percentage of the luma change between
                                the previous and the current frame. range [0-1], default 0.03. If =0 are not generate
                                reference frames.

but is 0.1

Cu Selur
Updated the build: v4.6.8
