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Ok, sleep well.
I will test a little bit old vs new tsMuxer...
I always do clean start for every new dev. version, so it can't be old tools cache problem.

Ok, i see a problem source now - tsMuxer GUI version from just don't works on my system.
I got pop-up error message when i load file:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/freetype/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
  Referenced from: /private/var/folders/ss/y_mbrf6j0_7cnxvljw_2_wv40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/5545471F-86BB-4CF3-A332-19888F0000D5/d/
  Reason: image not found

I scrolled back and randomly checked few versions up to 2019-12-16--01-10-10.mac-nightly-2019-12-16--01-10-10 and they all same pop-up window there. Feels some global mistake in release from start.
Same problem with tsMuxeR 2021-09-09 Nightly from

No problem with tsMuxeR 2.6.12 from

I noticed developers about this problem here:
I think I could adjust tsMuxeR to use the libfreetype that is in Hybrids lib folder,...

So I just spend an two hours trying to install Xcode Command Line tools for XCode to have oTool available to check the dependencies of tsMuxeR. (oTool -L "Path to tsMuxeR")
By simply trying to call oTool MacOS prompts you if you want to install the command line tools, but after installing them, closing and reopening all Terminal Windows and restarting MacOS, next time you want to call oTool, the prompt comes again,...
Went to where I downloaded the Command Line tools dmg and then installed the tool with the included installer,..
-> same result
oTool: error: Failed to locate 'oTool'.
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'oTool', requesting installation of command line developer tools.

What the f...?
I checked, XCode -> Preferences -> Locations and there the command line version is shown,..

running "xcode-select --install"
it get
Quote:xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates
so then why does it want to install them again and again?!?

Theses things are why developers are 'nerved out' by writing code for MacOS, it's always the small things that once worked and after another update something is broken and you don't get decent information on how to fix it,...

Software Updates now show a new update for BigSur 11.6 may be that helps,..

Cu Selur
Nope, updating MacOS didn't change a thing. Rolleyes
-> I'll try to get this working,..
Okay, I figured that out.
if you call 'oTool' it will reinstall it, it you use 'otool' it works,.. Angry

okay using:
install_name_tool -change /usr/local/opt/freetype/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib @executable_path/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib tsMuxeR
sadly did not work, it gives me:
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/selur/workspace/Hybrid/
  Reason: Incompatible library version: tsMuxeR requires version 25.0.0 or later, but libfreetype.6.dylib provides version 24.0.0
zsh: abort      ./tsMuxeR
when callling tsMuxer. So a newer libfreetype is needed :/
Seems justdan96 fixed tsMuxer problem in other way

Quote:The tsMuxer binaries created through osxcross are statically linked now, so it won't look for those libraries at all. Check the binary created here:
Nice, then I won't have to do the patching of tsMuxer in the future. Smile

Cu Selur
It looks really funny how they release all those non-functional versions for macOS during almost 2 years and no one can't point to that mistake. Probably tsMuxer just not too popular tool on macOS Smile
Yup, most MacOS video editing users don't use open source or free software,..
Small visual bug. Duplicated 23.976 presets in menu Filtering->Speed Change
[Image: S3QBsSM.jpg]
Will fix.