Here is some crazy idea for UI. Maybe get rid of filters tabs at all and simply put all filters to extended list?
- More space for filter setting
- Less clicks, faster navigation.
- Navigation in list by keyboard up/down keys.
- Go to filter by start typing it's name.
- Move filters up/down by Mouse. (way easier than current million clicks up-up-up-up, down-down-down...) Or keep up/down buttons if drag and drop is buggy.
- Turn filters On/Off with checkboxes as usual. Easy to see quickly by single view which filters are enabled.
- Separate preset for filters order only (don't affect filter settings)
![[Image: pkY1yge.jpg]](
Quote:More space for filter setting
I don't see it since in your example you are missing
- add/remove filter buttons that are use in FilterQueue-mode
- "Apply only to" restrictions.
Seems, liek the whole thing does only make sense in FilterOrder-mode.
In general I'm not against it, but I don't see me finding the time to implement this (even for testing) all-in-all probably more than a 200hrs or coding, since tons of code would need to be rewritten for this.
For me personally this would be reall inconvenient since I'm faster in navigating the tabs then scrolling up/down all the time.
Cu Selur
This is just a concept-sketch. Sure there are other buttons like Use Filter Queue and maybe others. I understand that it probably require a lot of work total rebuild of UI.
Current tabs designed like this are just not effective for huge amount of filters.
Ok, DVD with multiple vob files. Can you explain further?
Here is what to done:
I imported DVD film (consists of multiple splitter VOBs) 29.970 fps
It shows me length 00:00:00.000 to 02:29:52.000 (chapter 1 to 44)
Vapoursynth preview shows me same length 2:30:00:992
I can scroll in Vapoursynth preview and see all film from start to end
Or you want me to check DVD with multiple titles?
Quote:Here is what to done:
Nice that's what I wanted to know, seems to be only broken on Windows.

(there I got alternative tools to use instead of d2vWitch if I can't find the issue of the problem)
Quote:I understand that it probably require a lot of work total rebuild of UI.
The ui is easy, the locig behind the ui is the problem and what really takes the time.
Cu Selur
On. Nice.
Do you think "Preset for Filters Order only (don't affect filter settings)" may be added to existing version somewhere in future?
As well as preset for Crop/Resize settings?
Quote:Do you think "Preset for Filters Order only (don't affect filter settings)" may be added to existing version somewhere in future?
Can you elaborate what 'don't affect filter settings' means?
Do mean you want a preset which is only for the options under Filtering->Vapoursynth and without the Deinterlacing options?
If that is the case the main hurdle would be to go through the current profile and compile a list of all the values that are not needed during loading of a preset (this was ony could use the the same preset

Cu Selur
I mean option so Save/Load preset only for filters positions (filters order) in list.
Currently filters position is only a part of global preset. Currently it is impossible to adjust filters settings and then change filters positions in list with preset without affecting filters settings.
Just add preset folder and .json for filters positions (filters order) in list, if possible.
And the same for Crop/Resize/Letterbox/Rotate settings
Quote:I mean option so Save/Load preset only for filters positions (filters order) in list.
Ahhhh, okay. That shouldn't be hard to implement.
Will look at it once the current bugs are fixed.
Quote:And the same for Crop/Resize/Letterbox/Rotate settings
Probably not going to happen.
Cu Selur
Okay, one problem:
Old filter order configurations migt get useless whenever ad new filter is added to Hybrid, since that might change the filters that need to be inside a filter order,..
Cu Selur
But isn't Hybrid always changes and old configs never works anyway?
Don't want to force this, but i just got some inspiration and here are some further thoughts around redesigned UI sketch:
First row of tabs is OK. But if simplify filters group to "FFmpeg" and "Vapoursynth", all things can fit to single row and add even more useful height space.
Second row of tabs may be simplified to "FFmpeg" and "Vapoursynth" groups. Or kept as is.
"Filtering -> Speed Change" may go to FFmpeg filters list, if it is a part of FFmpeg. If it is not a part of FFmpeg, probably keep it as is.
"Filtering -> Misc" I never used it and don't know where to place it. Keep it as is there?
"Filtering -> FFmpeg" may use same "redesigned and extended filters list" logic as Vapoursynth tab.
"Filtering -> Vapoursynth" using "redesigned and extended filters list" as shown on new sketch.
"Filtering -> Vapoursynth -> Misc -> Script"
"Filtering -> Vapoursynth -> Misc -> Source"
"Filtering -> Vapoursynth -> Misc -> Preview"
"Filtering -> Vapoursynth -> Misc -> UI"
these ones without checkboxes may be placed at bottom of all filters in the list.
"Use Filter Queue" Checkbox and button may be remained as is. But it feels a little bit waste a useful height, so instead it may be placed somewhere in other place.
![[Image: Bl06i0M.jpg]](