Aha, now i see where was the problem. I just need to enable on checkbox "Auto" to turn on QTGMC. Sort of confusing way... In old version it was a separate menu line to turn it on/off.
![[Image: Ec897rQ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/Ec897rQ.jpg)
Do not use old defaults with the new version.
Delete any old settings and create your profiles&co anew otherwise unexpected effects will occur.
Quite a bit changed internally the last two years,... (just look at the changelogs,...
Cu Selur
Ok. got it. I will do 100% clean install.
1. Delete VapourSynth.
2. Make screenshots of pages with important settings in Hybrid.
3. Delete Hybrid.app from Applications folder.
4. Delete folder ~/Library/Application Support/Hybrid
5. Delete file ~/Library/Preferences/de.selur.Hybrid.plist
Yeah! Sharpness control works!
![[Image: TgQqvy6.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/TgQqvy6.jpg)
(18.08.2020, 16:37)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Man not being able to use the apple/windows key really is a hurdle.
Is there a desktop client for exsi that I could use as an alternative to using the browser?
Dont use the browser, it has almost no keyboard support.
install teamviewer On catalina and your pc. It’s free for non-business use.
Teamviewer is a remote desktop app. You create a free teamviewer account, on your pc and then you use the same login/password credentials on the catalina teamviewer so the catalina box can be seen by your pc. Turn on Teamviewer prefs on the catalina install that says allow easy access. Allows you skipping the whole password thing when remote connecting to your catalina box.
Catalina has increased security so in order not to see a black screen when logging in, you need to fix something in with system prefs like full disk accessibility and screen recording etc and security panes in system prefs. (when you first load up teamviewer i think it walks you through changing these security settings, but if you have a problem when trying to login like black screen, refer to link below)
Another free option which may be more simple or more complicated
Is VNC remote desktop
Install vnc server on catalina
And A vnc client on pc
Again you have to make sure the app has screen recording permissions, and full disK accessibility, and control Etc.
or you can use vmware workstation pro, (i think the player which is free cant connect to esxi clients< but not sure) for windows and connect to server
But i prefer teamviewer. (everyonce in awhile on my setup when it login i dont have mouse control 1/100 times, i think it is a teamviewer bug. Then i go onto Esxi browser Login and click the Warning panel “client as logged out of teamviewer warning” and then teamvewer can log back in without issues. Again it may not happen to you, but if it does, itmdoesm’t require a hard restart, just need to login with browser and click on the warning pane.
Still can't make it work with QTGMC. Please check. Basic preview gives me this error:
![[Image: NMDUl2z.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/NMDUl2z.jpg)
VapourSynth preview gives me this error log instead of preview:
Also i find a source or problem described earlier. Hybrid gives error and slows down at startup if add it to Accessibility list.
![[Image: ZcoR4zU.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/ZcoR4zU.jpg)
Thats so weird that adding App to accessability pane slows it down.
I wonder why that is.
Probably only need to be in full disk access pane to access files and folders
Have no idea in what situation i add it to accessability pane before, but currently i add it there manually to check if it helps to make work VS scripts
Selur, what exact VS installer you use? incompatibility may be due different types of VS installations.
Simple .pkg installer (not brew) from l33tmeatwad package is the most universal way to go for today
Have no idea if it may be a source of problem, but i noticed some names confusion in VS Editor window:
# Loading Plugins
As you may remember neo-fft3d don't works on macOS and formally don't exists yet on macOS, so it probably needs to load fft3dfilter instead?
I see only plug-in named
libznedi3.dylib in that folder
I see only plug-in named
liblsmashsource.dylib in that folder
(18.08.2020, 20:44)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Main thing that is annoying on Linux and Mac is that there's no good (manageable way) to create a portable Vapoursynth.
Just adjust it to l33tmeatwad's VapourSynth Installer & Plugins package and everybody will be happy. It worked well all this time with old Hybrid. And forum users even where able to find some bugs in plug-ins (like broken last versions of MVtools-v22 and v23). All plug-ins where updated to self-contained versions and don't require external dependencies libraries anymore. Some people use this package with command line, some use with Hybrid. Totally universal package. And it takes just few clicks to install VapourSynth from .pkg installer and copy plug-ins and scripts to folder alias.
For sure i will keep support this package and will update it with new plug-ins and components releases when possible, but i wonder why don't you collaborate somehow into single all-in one DMG package release? Formally you develop and compile two equal large parts of same
system (VapourSynth + Plug-ins + QTGMC + Hybrid)
@shijan: configure a normal temp path which isn't under /private and everything should work. For the stuff under private some strange security features in Mac OS cause the problem.
I'll look into the filter names.
I don't think a single release with Hybrid in it won't happen, it's simply to much hassle.
Cu Selur
That is strange. I always set "Hybrid Temp" folder on separate drive. No any special system private/var folders used in settings.
Hybrid use it during basic render and muxing, but gives that strange error with preview window