I generally try to use separate tools if possible and sometimes use ffmpeg as fallback.
Main reasons are:
a. it's usually easier to update a separate tool than to build ffmpeg.

b. the separate encoders sometimes support more features
c. I usually get faster feedback from the developers of the separate tools than from the ffmpeg devs.
(not counting the Google team with vorbis&co, they - like the ffmpeg team - sometimes take years to reply to an issue)
Cu Selur
and these bins?
"'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/MP4Box" -version' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/MediaInfo" --version' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/faac"' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/flac"' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/opusenc" --version' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
'"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/rav1e" --help' didn't get started after 5 seconds -> aborting,... Restarting Hybrid might solve the problem,... The cause might also be some incompatibility with the tool and your system.
No sox binary found -> disabling audio support,..."
all executables should be: 755
all dylibs should be: 644
all folders should be: 755
all resource files (like images etc): should be 644
Finally a solid FAQ!
What to type in terminal sudo chmod 0644 or sudo chmod 644 ?
0 at start is for single files and not for folder-like items?
also for binaries you need in addition to apply sudo chmod +x to make it active (or how did you name that)
Quote:also for binaries you need in addition to apply sudo chmod +x to make it active (or how did you name that)
No you do not. That was only needed since I miswrote that 655 instead of 755 should be used.
-> read the explanation on what the numbers/rights stand for
Quote:What to type in terminal sudo chmod 0644 or sudo chmod 644 ?
0 at start is for single files and not for folder-like items?
probably doesn't matter
iirc using 4 numbers is the correct way, but normally if there are only 3 numbers the first is set by the file type
Cu Selur
Ok, thanks for explanation. Going to test these things...
Seems also all dylibs in Hybrid.app/Contents/PlugIns are tagged as 755 by mistake
Quote:Seems also all dylibs in Hybrid.app/Contents/PlugIns are tagged as 755 by mistake
Complain to Qt I never changed the rights on those, these were created by QtCreator or Qts macdeploy.

(no clue why they would need dylibs to be executable, 644 should be enough)
-> It's a waste of time to change the right of these files anywhere other than the installer, since whenever I build Hybrid these settings will be reset to their defaults.
Cu Selur
Lucky that it is possible to drop multiple files in Terminal, so it is not so complicated to change those permissions things inside Hybrid. Not sure if i understand concept about "is enough". Why limit permissions and risk that something somewhere may go wrong again?
Seems Qt isn't wrong. I just checked macOS system files with EasyFind and BatChmod and here is what i see:
.dylib files system wide use
Frameworks, Bundles, Components use
.plist files use
.py scripts in most cases use
644, but sometimes in some places limited to 444
Also i see that VapoursynthScriptsInHybrid-master .py scripts use 755. Also mistake?
![[Image: CwavouE.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/CwavouE.jpg)
Quote:Why limit permissions and risk that something somewhere may go wrong again?
Why have door that can be closed with a key or similar? Because shit goes wrong when it can.
-> Normally files should only have the rights that are needed to use them.
So in praxis, If you don't know for sure you leave the rights more lax and if you know for sure you should restrict the rights.
The point is to set the rights so that anything that needs to be done can be done and nothing that shouldn't be done can't be done either.
Quote:Also i see that VapoursynthScriptsInHybrid-master .py scripts use 755. Also mistake?
No, since in general .py scripts can be executable which is why by default they have the 'x'-flag.
Yes, since none of the scripts need to have the 'x' flag since none of them should be executable they are all only loaded inside Vapoursynth scripts and as such are just data containers.
-> It always depends.
Cu Selur
Ps.: Also it's not always that easy to keep rights straight when developing on different OSs which have different rights management.
Updated Hybrid test installers with executables and .dylibs permissions set to 755
Plugins for Hybrid Test updated Waifu2x-w2xc .dylibs permissions set to 755
P.S. I notice that if change permissions in files, i need to re-import them to Packages project manually. Otherwise Packages will read files with old permissions.