I understand that you like the monotone 'everything looks the same'-apple way, I don't.
I like compact user interfaces. I like icons, since they might be confusing at first they speed up information intake after one got used to them.
I wouldn't have cared about the 'disableIcon' view since only a handful of users use it, but since you kept complaining about it, it is easier to remove it than to spend hours discussing over them.
Note that Hybrid is more the opposite of how Apple would design their UIs, Hybrid isn't trying to hide 99% of the configuration from the user. It tries to offer tons of options to change stuff. In Apples world it's more like:
a. hide everything that does not seem useful to 90% of the customers
b. stick with the corporate identify
c. force everybody else to stick to your believe/design/esthetics
-> Hybrid won't turn into an Apple product unless Apple owns it, which is probably not happening.
btw. all buttons should have a tool-tip which by default is shown on the right hand side and should give a brief info of what the button does.
Cu Selur
It is not about became Apple product. It is about removed and artificially restricted useful options and about human friendly guidelines that common to any desktop operating system. And those guidelines based on decades of user interfaces evolution. Even your forum use similar buttons logic.
But i got it. UI size limited to 640x480 required to fit 800x600 CRT screen. Must scroll. Not allowed to resize.
Imagine if use app like this, and instantly see which filters are selected/deselected without scrolling horizontally/vertically in claustrophobic UI. It worked like this probably from first macOS version of Hybrid and you removed it now instead add similar useful resize option to Windows
![[Image: IurFKZN.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/IurFKZN.gif)
Sorry, but like I wrote before:
Quote:if you need resizing: sorry, but then you should look for another tool
Cu Selur
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was this little sparrow, who while flying south for the winter froze solid and fell to the ground. And then to make matters worse the cow crapped on him, but the manure was all warm and it defrosted him. So there he is, he's warm and he's happy to be alive and he starts to sing. A hungry cat comes along and he clears off the manure and he looks at the little bird and then he eats him. And the moral of the story is this: everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy, and everyone who gets you out of crap is not necessarily your friend, and if you're warm and happy no matter where you are you should just keep your big mouth shut.
Not trying to be mean, we know you are trying to be helpful. But selur said no. It’s his software, not yours. Bug fixes are his priority. Followed by updated plugin implementation. Gui changes are so far off his list.
Put together a universal installer like meatwad said. That should be your priority.
No problem. I just use Hybrid 2020.09.15 and it works well. And i never force Selur to do any things. This is just suggestions and discussion. Seems you never saw designers discussion if it feels "hard" to you
Just no more bug reports and package updates from me anymore because i will not use those restricted newer versions.
Not sure why you are getting upset. Selur told you multiple times he isnt changing anything gui related, he wants to fix bugs. Said he was going to stop compiling new versions until the new year. He made a few newer versions added some cool plugins. And Now we are back at square one again.
I don’t think i have seen you say please or thank you, once.
Here you go, this should help make the full installer easier.
Half way there.
Shijan, please make an installer. Thank you.
Quote:Not sure why you are getting upset. Selur told you multiple times he isnt changing anything gui related, he wants to fix bugs. Said he was going to stop compiling new versions until the new year. He made a few newer versions added some cool plugins. And Now we are back at square one again.
Selur also told before that it will be no more macOS version. That he need 2 weeks to redesign ColorMatrix filter. And also that he drops macOS development again and may back to Hybrid after New Year. And Apple told that it will use ARM processors in desktops instead of 28 core Intel, and earlier that FireWire interface will replace USB.
We can't predict how things go on.
Quote:Shijan, please make an installer. Thank you.
I am not qualified to make installers because i am not a coder or developer. Also i can't get why waste time and energy to build installer if i just can do DMG in one click drop apps from DMG to one folder alias and filters to other alias.
btw. I updated the version on GoogleDrive to my latest dev version which has Cineform HD support.
(wrote that together yesterday and only did rudimentary testing, seems to work, not sure if this is useful to anyone)
Cu Selur
Thanks Selur,
I will check it out this week.
(18.09.2020, 14:04)shijan Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Shijan, please make an installer. Thank you.
I am not qualified to make installers because i am not a coder or developer. Also i can't get why waste time and energy to build installer if i just can do DMG in one click drop apps from DMG to one folder alias and filters to other alias.
The packages software I linked uses a graphical interface to design installers, even a small child could create an installer with it. It's not ideal to do a dmg because you either need to approve each file individually through gatekeeper or disable gatekeeper, which is not ideal for security reasons.