Quote:disableIcons=true option works again!
lucky coincidence
Quote:Is it possible somehow add an option to use experimental=true but do not always force start at fullscreen?
'experimental' is an option where I test stuff, be lucky that the icons aren't blinking and the button size doesn't change on 'mouse over' (tested both and really didn't like it).

With experimental some code is activated which is left over from some tests like the colors,...
-> so don't complain about the gui when using "experimental"
About the coloring atm. the whole coloring is done in one function:
void HybridMainWindow::initColoring()
if (!m_colorHelper) {
QColor standard = QColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
QColor videoRelated = QColor(86, 177, 255, 255);
QColor containerRelated = QColor(202, 177, 0, 255);
QColor jobRelated = QColor(20, 134, 0, 255);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Crop/Resize"), videoRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Filtering"), videoRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Subtitle"), QColor(88, 105, 171, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Audio"), QColor(134, 128, 0, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Tags"), containerRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Chapter"), QColor(141, 78, 69, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Muxing"), containerRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Video"), videoRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Config"), standard);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Jobs"), jobRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Log"), standard);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Base"), standard);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Container"), containerRelated);
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Input"), QColor(174, 35, 255, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Output"), QColor(204, 153, 0, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Profile"), QColor(255, 159, 122, 255));
m_tabColors.insert(QString("Source Info"), standard);
Originally I also planned to use different colors to group all the Vapoursynth filters into groups, but lost the motivation for this, especially since there was no 'filter queue'-support in Vapoursynth,... -> might add some coloring to the 'Filter Queue'-list in the future and mainly kept the code around for experimenting.
So atm. Hybrid uses the above RGB(A) values for text coloring if you have color preferences share them and I can test them.
(The whole thing can be overwritten changed, through the styling support of Qt,see
https://forum.selur.net/Thread-INFO-hidd...id-options -> Command Line Interface (CLI))
about the box size and the text:
No clue what mac os is doing there,.. (looks fine on Windows., MacOS and Linux, there the box size is expanded to match the text length)
Cu Selur