Quote:='Selur' pid='8908' dateline='1599153948']
Ps.: @shijan: about settings ProRes meta data,.. did you try something like '-movflags +write_colr -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709'
Possible color values should be:
see: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html
Not sure if i understand how exact to use this code. I never use command line FFmpeg.
Just to imagine my level of "love" to command line tools - i just understand few days ago how to open Vapousynth code in vsViewer when was guided to reproduce a bug in TimeCube

Before that i was thinking that vsViewer is some part of Hybrid itself, but not a separate app

Also before that it was funny when i try to open Vapousynth code in Terminal instead
No correct NCLC color tags written to MOV container in not a critical problem. In most cases video editing apps ignore those tags and color space and gamma should be set manully anyway. Also it is always possible manually add tags with JESExtensifier, AMCDXVideoPatcher or with BBC QTFF Parameter Editor.
If there is no quick and easy solution for NCLC color tags, it is better don't wast your time for that question right now.
What exactly wrong with ProRes? If you need more Losless it is always possible to use ProResXQ. What codec you suggest? 10 bit Uncompressed? So i stick with simple concept - use ProRes for everything because it just works and it is look the same on Windows and Mac.
I had enough bizzare codecs and headache with them in my life in past.
ProRes is like DV codec. It industry standard. It is simple. Is done once and forever. It is implemented in large amount of professional hardware.
I tested ProRes during multiple transcodings and can't see any real quality loss. Yes ProRes is not mathematically lossless and in 422HQ you may see under 800x magnification that some single pixel somewhere changed tint by 0.2% or or so. But is it really affect something?
Uncompressed 10bit is a different story. It also have a lot of cons. Data levels read differently, some inconstancy in appearance between apps. Uncompressed MOV Uncompressed AVI...
So again for me the main advantage of ProRes is seamless integration to any system and strict encoder/decoder rules. Currently if app can read/write ProRes - it read it correct and i am sure that i have no any hidden problems or surprises with codec.
By the way, in past it was a lot of problems with ProRes appearance on Windows due outdated quicktime Windows component. But currently system wide component is no more used and each app use modern internal ProRes encoder\decoder provided by Apple or just use FFmpeg encoder\decoder.