The problem is that "spctl --master-disable" is disabled only on your computer and things may not work on other computers where Gatekeeper is enabled. So this is not a real problem fix. This is all something related to Apple security policy in apps development. It could be that to remove that warning app may require some approval from apple or something like this...
Argh,.. I need to stop here until i find the f..

keyboard setting.
Mac without an apple key is simply no fun at all.
Can't copy&paste.
Also is there a way to enable cop&paste between the vm and my normal Windows?
Cu Selur
For apps one can simply open the app through the icon menu, but no clue what to do for libraries,..
Try to install compiled plugins from l33tmeatwad Mediafire folder or same copies from my package
I see 'libautocrop.dylib', 'libdecross.dylib', libvfrtocfr' 'libcontinuityfixer.dylib' in my plugins folder and seems they worked with old Hybrid app. (at least i use decross filter)
I will try if new x264 with new Hybrid.
Updated x264 don't worked with old Hybrid. Seems a lot of changes because file size 10x larger
New version of h264 works after i apply in terminal "sudo chmod 755" to binary. It is very known permissions problem fix.
So it could work all that time before with old Hybrid. I am idiot
sudo chmod 755 /Applications/
x264 works fine here when I make it executable:
about the size of x264: that is simply because they compiled libav and libsmash with it, which is good.
Also Hybrid expects the mkvtoolinx app to be named not
Cu Selur
I attempt to rename to but after rename it force changes name back to I will check how it works in new Hybrid.
Maybe it makes sense to adjust Hybrid to use original name?
UPDATE. Nope. Still can't rename MKVToolNix to Mkvtoolnix
Also the renaming is a feature of MacOS since they assume a user can't really want case sensitive name changes,...
renaming MKVToolNix to MKVToolNixs to Mkvtoolnix works here.
I also uploaded my current state to the google drive,..
That's it for today, tired of using the VM, really need a solution for the apple key, may be Adamcarter knows a solution,.. can't code in the VM when I have to copy each special character from somewhere else using the mouse since I can't use the keyboard to copy&past or to use the shortcut of the character,.. :/
Cu Selut
There are CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName lines in MKVToolNix .plist file that specify name MKVToolNix. So i guess this gives force file rename and i guess it is better don't rename it to something else. With normal MKVToolNix name it also easier for user to update it inside Hybrid.
Downloaded from Google Drive but seems still no VapourSynth support in this version and app version reported as 20200817.1. Is ok or some mistake?
Also here are some abstract thoughts. Are MP4Box and FFmbc really need in 2020?
Probably MP4Box may have some specific MP4 options for iTunes, but in reality it always behaves strange. (empty first frame problem, Chapters problem only in old Hybrid version)
FFmbc seems like another outdated muxer component (last update: August 18, 2016).
FFmbc problems:
Hybrid on macOS can't read interlaced AVI DV files if used FFmbc for .mov muxing
Hybrid (only old version) can't passthrough 24bit audio if use default FFmbc muxer.
I guess in past those components may have some specific options missing in FFmpeg, but seems but seems currently FFmpeg can hold all things (even real tags ProRes mov files in updated Hybrid UI)
Here are also some quotes from conversation with l33tmeatwad's who also suggest to FFMpeg instead of MP4Box and FFmbc:
"FFmbc is basically outdated FFmpeg..."
" I haven't recommended MP4Box in years because it would spit out MP4s that Vegas couldn't use, and a lot of AMVs editors use that. FFmpeg pretty much does everything most ppl I know actually need."
Quote:Downloaded from Google Drive but seems still no VapourSynth support in this version and
Works fine, here. Preview and encoding with Vapoursynth.
I installed the Vapoursyhth-R51, extracted the plugins into the '/Library/Frameworks/VapourSynth.framework/lib/vapoursynth/'-folder, disabled the Gatekeeper using 'spctl --master-disable' and build the current vsViewer.
Main thing that is annoying on Linux and Mac is that there's no good (manageable way) to create a portable Vapoursynth. Got it working on Linux a while back, but dropped it since it was way to complicated to always adjust everything to the latest changes in Vapoursynth and it's plugins.
Quote: app version reported as 20200817.1. Is ok or some mistake?
That's okay, forgot to make a complete new build.
Quote:Also here are some abstract thoughts. Are MP4Box and FFmbc really need in 2020?
Yes, if you don't want to use ffmbc simply disable 'FFmpeg for .mov muxing'.
Personally I only use MP4Box.
-> I might consider dropping FFmbc in the future, but MP4Box stays.
Cu Selur